the logo for Total Fitness, partner of FitCo

Total Fitness Retail Partners

Total Fitness is a prominent fitness brand located in Northwest England, known for its high quality swimming facilities and family-friendly approach to health and wellness. It features 17 sites equipped with gyms, pools, and a variety of classes that cater to all ages. Partnering with FITCO since August 2022, Total Fitness has experienced exceptional growth and benefits from our reliable and professional retail concession services.










  • Total Fitness | The Fitco Retail gallery image 1
  • Total Fitness | The Fitco Retail gallery image 2
  • Total Fitness | The Fitco Retail gallery image 3
  • Total Fitness | The Fitco Retail gallery image 4
  • Total Fitness | The Fitco Retail gallery image 5
  • Total Fitness | The Fitco Retail gallery image 6

Company Profile

Location: Northwest England
Number of Sites: 17
Partnership Since: August 2022
Facilities: Gym, pool, and classes
Demographic: Family-friendly, catering to all ages

Since joining forces with FITCO, Total Fitness has seen remarkable improvements in their retail operations. One of the standout achievements includes a 36% increase in sales following their transition from a traditional wholesale model to our innovative retail concessions system.

This shift has allowed Total Fitness to offer a reserved stock of popular Athlecia yoga wear, ensuring their customers have access to high-demand products. Furthermore, we have assisted in sourcing new equipment for their swim school, enhancing the overall service they provide to their members.

Our partnership not only alleviates the stress of managing retail operations for Total Fitness but also guarantees a revenue-sharing model with no initial costs incurred by the leisure centre. The integration of our services has proven to be a win-win situation for all involved.